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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-09
A Tool on Pharmaceutical Cocrystal to Enhance the Drug Properties Those Comes Under BCS Class II and IV
Balu S. Khandare
Published: Sept. 30, 2019 | 273 197
DOI: 10.36347/SAJP.2019.v08i09.001
Pages: 443-452
In pharmaceutical field various types of dosage forms are present and discovered continuously but some dosage form are have some solubility, stability or any other issues as per BCS classification system so these problem are overcome by using the formation of some solid dosage form like pharmaceutical cocrystals. During formation of pharmaceutical cocrystal molecules structure are important like hydrogen bonding, Crystal Engineering, Van der Waal‟s Interactions, Interaction involving π-system, Van der Waal‟s Interactions, and Supramolecular synthon etc. In supramolecular synthons certain types of bonding between the functional group like acid-acid, acid-pyridine, pyridine- pyridine etc. Formations of cocrystal are different techniques based on requirement of study. Basically use solvent evaporation, solvent assisted grinding, hot melt extrusion, slurry method, anti-solvent, cooling method etc. use to form pharmaceutical cocrystals. In pharmaceutical cocrystal contain API and Cocrystal coformer are present and theses final cocrystal characterized by the different techniques like SCXRD, PXRD, DCS,FTIR and NMR. Cocrystal is basically important to improve the solubility, bioavailability, stability, and dissolution rate of pharmaceutical dosage form.