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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-7 | Issue-12
A Rare Case of Large (6.5kg) Parasitic Leiomyoma
Dr. Amit S Naik, Dr. Nitin M Baste, Dr. Saudamini A Naik
Published: Dec. 30, 2019 | 150 163
DOI: 10.36347/SJMCR.2019.v07i12.020
Pages: 792-794
Parasitic myomas are very rare tumours and hence they pose a real challenge to a clinician to have a correct preoperative clinical diagnosis. It may present with variable symptoms or maybe asymptomatic. We present this case of a large pedunculated highly vascular myoma of 36 wks size uterus( 6.5kg) acquiring its blood supply from omentum and small gut mesentry mimicking a GIST tumor. Clinical and histopathological presentation and management is discussed in the current case.