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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-11
Patient Satisfaction with Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) in MMTP Service Center
Julaeha, Rustamaji, Nunung Priyatni
Published: Nov. 19, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/SAJP.2019.v08i11.005
Pages: 497-501
Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) is one of harm reduction due to drug abuse. The goal of MMTP
is to reduce drug use, high-risk behavior, criminal behavior, increase productivity, family support, and housing
condition. MMTP was first held in Indonesia in the pilot phase in 2003, and in Yogyakarta has been implemented
since 2006. Currently, have been provided four MMTP satellite services are Grhasia hospital, Gedongtengen primary
health care center (PHC), Umbulharjo I PHC and Banguntapan II PHC.The patient-satisfaction implementation of
MMTP has not yet been evaluated. This study aimed to evaluated MMP services implementation, outcome, and patient
satisfaction in MMTP Service center Yogyakarta. Descriptive research with cross-sectional design. Subjects were 32
MMTP active patients The independent variable is the implementation of MMTP services and the dependent is
patient-satisfaction. The research instruments used questionnaires, document observation, and interview guides.
Indicators patient-satisfaction of achievement MMTP services of each parameter being measured in services quality
and convenience, health workers capacity and responsiveness, and easy access to service locations. The achievement
of the implementation of each MMTP service reaches > 80%. The achievement of patient satisfaction 96.88% were
getting services quality and convenience, 90.73% were getting health workers’ capacity and responsiveness, and 100%
were getting easy access to service locations. MMTP services successful implementation of harm reduction program in