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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-12
Determinants and Effects of Medication Beliefs in Chronic Illness
Mu’tazbellah F Alzubi, Amal S Aljariri, Deema A. Alqaqneh, Ola A Aldmour, Niveen A albadi, Hayat Y hilan
Published: Dec. 26, 2019 | 258 148
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2019.v08i12.003
Pages: 531-537
In this study: Adherence to medications is a vital point in order to assure patients benefit maximally from their prescribed medications. However, many factors could influence the adherence behavior toward the prescribed medications. The current study sheds the light on how beliefs about medications and quality of life may impact adherence to medications in Jordanian population, with a highlight to the particular geriatric population. The current work is a cross sectional study. Adult patients with chronic diseases who were on multiple medications were invited to participate in this study. After consenting, the participants were asked to fill Medication Adherence report Scale-5, Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire and Quality Of Life Short Form-36 questionnaires. Questionnaires results analysis, correlation and student’s t-test analyses were carried out using Statistical Package of Social Sciences software package. It is found that 57% of the recruited patients were reported to be adherent to their medications. The Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire reported scores of the necessity, concerns, overuse and harm items were 17.6, 20.1, 15.4 and 16.5 respectively (out of 25). Attitudinal analysis of the Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire scores revealed that 48.45% of the patients were ambivalent, 28.86% were accepting, 21.23 were skeptical and only 1.4% showed indifferent beliefs about their medications.