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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-05
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Mothers regarding the Nutrition of Children from 6 to 59 Months in the Urban Commune of Koniakary (MALI)
Boubacar Niare, Chaka Keita, Mamadou B Coulibaly, Mamadou Keita, Samou Diarra, Kadiatou Ba, Sidi Toure, Ouazoum Coulibaly, Abdramane Traore, Oumar Diallo, Momine Traore, Hamadoun Sangho, Mamadou Dembe
Published: June 7, 2023 | 221 220
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2023.v09i05.001
Pages: 63-68
Introduction: Nutrition is a health package, which is defined as the body's processing and use of food. The primary pathological situation resulting from the quality of nutrition is malnutrition. Objective: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) related to the practices of mothers on the nutrition of children aged 6-59 months and to bring about a change in behaviour among the target group in the urban commune of Koniakary. The Methodology: This was a prospective and descriptive action research study in the urban commune of Koniakary, involving 99 mothers or babysitters and their children aged 6 to 59 months. The action research is carried out in three phases: survey, action and evaluation. Our work focused on the evaluation after the actions. Results: In our study, the age range of 15-20 years was predominant among the mothers and childminders (28%), 57.6% were married and monogamous and 92% were housewives. The children were predominantly male (52%). The 6-10 month age group was the most represented, 29.3%. The vast majority of children were vaccinated 94%. In relation to the knowledge and attitudes of mothers and guardians: The importance of supplementary feeding for children increased from 59.2% to 92.9%. Concerning practices: exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months increased from 50% to 80.8%, hand washing with soap increased from 62.6% to 96%, the use of the health centre in case of illness as a first intention was 65.7%, this rate increased to 91.9%.