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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-12
Food-Borne Viral Diseases - An Emerging Problem
Ponnambalam Arun, Padmanabhan Vidya, Kaveri Krishnasamy
Published: Dec. 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2019.v08i12.005
Pages: 544-546
Background: Acute diarrheal diseases are one of the top five causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, accounting
for 0.52 million deaths annually in children. In India, approximately 2.5 million children were affected with diarrhoeal
illness every year. Amongst these, viral diarrhoea’s form the most important cluster. Rotavirus is the most common
identifiable viral cause of diarrhoea in children. Rotavirus infection ranges from asymptomatic infection to severe life
threatening diarrhoea. The main cause of diarrhoea are poor personal and food hygiene and lack of clean drinking
water. Materials and Methods: Stool specimens from 100 subjects have been collected for this study from a hospital
in Chennai, who presented with diarrhoea and were tested for the causative agents responsible for the infection by
various microbiological techniques.