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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-01
Anti Solar Activity of Costus Speciosus Leaves of Sikkim Himalayas
Prasenjit Mitra, Tanaya Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar Mitra
Published: Jan. 16, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i01.002
Pages: 5-8
Since long Costus speciosus (C. speciosus) has been used in different system of medicine for medical treatment. The
plant has several pharmacological properties like anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, anti microbial, anti cancer, gastro
protective, anti diabetic, anti gastric ulcer, hepato protective etc. But anti solar activity of C. speciosus leaves of
Sikkim Himalaya is not known in literature. Aim of the present study was, therefore, to examine anti solar activity of
C. speciosus leaves, if any and if so effect of extraction solvents on the activity. Leaves of C. speciosus were collected
and identified by the taxonomist. Solvent extractions of the leaves were made separately by using ethanol, chloroform,
methanol, acetone, benzene, and ethyl acetate. The extracts were separately exposed for absorption of UV ray to a
spectrophotometer using UV region. Result showed that all extracts of C. speciosus leaves had UV absorption property
but ethanol extract had maximum activity. Ethanol extract of C. speciosus leaves, therefore, may be further studied for
isolation of the active compound responsible for UV absorbing property for its use in preparation of sun screen lotions.
Keywords: Costus speciosus leaves; Solvent extractions; UV absorbing property.
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