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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Study of the Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Malaria in Pregnant Women at the CSREF of Commune IV in the Districk of Bamako
Boubakary Guindo, Ousmane Dantoumé Toure, Nagou Tolo, Dramane Diabate Moctar Diaby, Bouroulaye Diarra, Mahamoudou Coulibaly, Sema Keita, Moussa Dembele, Alou Samake, Brehima Boly Berthé, Zoumana Cheic
Published: June 12, 2023 | 288 131
DOI: 10.36347/gamj.2023.v04i02.003
Pages: 54-59
Malaria prevention relies on monthly administration of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine in Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPTp -SP) from the thirteenth week to delivery. We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study with an evaluative aim going from the 1st January to December 31, 2019 in the Reference Health Center of Commune IV during the study, our sampling was exhaustive covering all the files of pregnant women with a diagnosis of malaria on pregnancy during the year 2019. The objective general was to describe the epidemiological and therapeutic characteristics of malaria in pregnant women. Of 166 pregnant women, 52 tested positive for thick smear (31.32%). The most affected age groups were those under 30 with 61.5%. Nearly 53.3% of pregnant women did not participate in ANC and more than 61.5% had not received any sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine prophylaxis dose during pregnancy. The pauci gestures and primigestes were the most infected, representing respectively 50% and 26.9% of the cases. The most common clinical signs were fever (40.4%), abdominal pain (28.8%) of pregnant women. Anemia was found in 57.7% of pregnant women. Injectable artemether, injectable artesunate and quinine, ACTs and tablet quinine were used respectively in 38.5%, 26.9%, 5.8% and 3.8% of malaria cases in pregnant women as stipulates the technical guidelines of the National Malaria Control Program. Conclusion: The management was in accordance with the guidelines of the National Protocol for the Fight against Malaria on the therapeutic level.