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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-01
Anti Solar Activity of Costus Speciosus Leaves of Sikkim Himalayas: Effects of Time & Temperature on Extraction Process
Prasenjit Mitra, Tanaya Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar Mitra
Published: Jan. 16, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i01.003
Pages: 9-13
It is known that pharmacological action of a plant depends on time and temperature of extraction process. Recently we
have noted anti solar activity of ethanol extract of Costus speciosus (C. speciosus) leaves of Sikkim Himalayas. Aim
of the present work was to note effects of time and temperature of the extraction process on anti solar activity of C.
speciosus leaves. C. speciosus leaves were collected from the local market and identified by the taxonomist. Ethanol
extracts of the leaves were prepared for 15, 30, 45, 60, minutes at temperatures 30, 40, 50, 60 degree centigrade. Anti
solar activity of different extracts was checked by a spectrophotometer taking absorption in UV region (200 – 400
nm). Results showed that ethanol extract of C. speciosus leaves of 15 minutes at 400 C showed maximum anti solar
activity. These conditions may be maintained for isolation of the anti solar compound from C. speciosus leaves.