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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-01
Effect of Season on UV Absorption Property of Costus Speciosus Leaves of Sikkim Himalayas
Tanaya Ghosh, Prasenjit Mitra, Prasanta Kumar Mitra
Published: Jan. 16, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i01.004
Pages: 14-17
Costus speciosus (C. speciosus), an edible leafy green, is known to possess a wide range of pharmacological
properties. Recently we have shown UV absorption property of C. speciosus leaves of Sikkim Himalayas. Ethanol
extract of C. speciosus leaves for 15 minutes at 400C exerts maximum UV ray absorption property. It is known that
pharmacological properties of medicinal plants are due to its secondary metabolite and amount of secondary
metabolite varies with season. It is, therefore, thought worthwhile to study the seasonal effect on the UV absorption
property of the C. speciosus leaves. Leaves of C. speciosus were collected in summer, winter, autumn and rainy
seasons. Ethanol extracts of the leaves of different seasons were prepared separately. Extracts were allowed to absorb
UV rays (wavelength range from 200 nm to 400 nm at 10 nm intervals) in a spectrophotometer to get absorption
spectra. As polyphenols have relation with UV absorbing property amount of polyphenol in the leave extract was
estimated. Results showed that ethanol extract of C. speciosus leaves of rainy season (June – August) had maximum
UV absorbing property. Polyphenol content of the leaves was also high during rainy season. It is concluded that
ethanol extract of C. speciosus leaves of rainy season may be used as anti solar agent in preparation of sun screen