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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Viral Hepatitis B and C in Blood Donors the Case of the Reference Health Centre in Commune II of the District of Bamako (Mali)
Kadiatou, Ba, Boubacar Niare, Oumar Diallo, Chaka Keita, Baba Coulibaly, Ouazoun Coulibaly, Fatoumata Sylla, Bakary Abou Traoré, Kassoum Ouattara, Aissata Kaba, Boubacar Maiga, Djita, B. A, Isabelle
Published: June 16, 2023 | 212 137
DOI: 10.36347/gamj.2023.v04i02.004
Pages: 60-63
Introduction: HBV and HCV infections are among the most worrying in Africa. They remain real public health problems. Screening blood donations for these infectious agents helps to prevent their transmission during transfusion of whole blood or blood derivatives. The aim was to determine the seroprevalence of infectious markers of hepatitis B and C in blood donors at the Bamako commune II reference health centre laboratory. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective, descriptive study of all donations made from 01 January to 31 December 2022, by subjects who had given informed consent and met the criteria in force in the country. Results: In our study the age range 26 to 35 years was the majority 41.9% with extremes of 18 to 60 years. The majority of blood donors were male (91.5% with a sex ratio of 10.8) and the vast majority were family donors (66.7%). 17.6% of blood donors were infected with hepatitis B (HBV) and 5.2% with hepatitis C (HCV). Conclusion: The prevalence of HBV and HCV remains high among blood donors in Commune II of Bamako. Transmission of these infectious agents during a blood transfusion remains a cause for concern. It is therefore vital to ensure the loyalty of blood donors through rigorous medical selection in order to improve transfusion safety.