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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-9 | Issue-06
Massive Ulcerative Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Surgical Treatment, Techniques and Results (Experience of a Moroccan Surgical Emergencies Department)
Khedid Yahia Zain-Al-Abidine, Lachguer Taib, Maaouni Iliass, Ennouhi Ismail, Chaouni Adil, Oucherki Marouane, Gridda Meriem, Echarrab Elmahjoub
Published: June 16, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2023.v09i06.016
Pages: 568-573
Introduction: Upper digestive haemorrhages represent a medico-surgical emergency that can be life threatening. Material and Method: this was a retrospective study that was carried out over a period of five years (2015- 2019) in the Department of Surgical Emergencies of the Ibn Sina University Hospital of Rabat, involving six patients aged between 36 and 82 years. Result: the clinical symptoms was marked by hematemesis and melena in five patients, rectal bleeding in one patient, epigastralgia preceding the gastrointestinal bleeding in 3 patients. All of our patients presented with heavy bleeding. One of our patients had a history of bulbar ulcer complicated by peritonitis, four patients are chronic smokers. Medication intake was noted in two patients. The oesogastro-duodenal fibroscopy made the diagnosis and showed a gastro-duodenal ulcer in all the patients. All patients underwent surgical treatment: three ulcer sutures and three antrectomies. Haemostasis was ensured in five patients, surgical revision was necessary in one patient with postoperative hemodynamic instability. Discussion: In light of these results and a review of the literature, surgery remains the essential recourse in the event of severe bleeding from peptic ulcer. Conclusion: haemorrhagic ulcer is the most common cause of upper ulcerative digestive haemorrhages, its diagnosis is clinical and endoscopic, emergency surgery is immediately indicated in the case of massive bleeding.