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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-11 | Issue-06
Ocular Trauma in the Ophthalmogic Department of Sikasso Hospital: About 256 Cases
Oumar Diallo, Moro Sidibé, Yacouba Coulibaly, Moussa Konate, Brainima Coulibaly, Ali Konipo, Fatoumata Traore, Kadiatou Ba Koita, Mohamed Kolé Sidibé, Chaka Keita, Mahalmoudou Haidara, Modibo Sissoko,
Published: June 23, 2023 | 82 90
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2023.v11i06.058
Pages: 1269-1273
Ocular trauma is a set of lesions that affect the eyeball and its appendages. The lesions caused are multiple and varied, the functional prognosis of which depends on the time taken for treatment. The aim was to evaluate the management of ocular trauma at Sikasso hospital. This was a retrospective study from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018. 256 cases of ocular trauma out of 3294 consultations, i.e. a frequency of 7.7%. The 16-45 age group accounted for 52.3% of cases and 68% were male. Pupils/students accounted for 28.5% of cases. The causative agent was vegetal and metallic with respectively 35.5% and 14.5%. Traumatic lesions were contusion in 58.2% of cases, followed by laceration in 15.2% and lamellar laceration in 11.3%.49.2% of our patients. Management was surgical in 18.8% of cases. Complications were: cataract (38.5%), post traumatic uveitis (14.1%) and bursting of the globe (2.3%). The sequelae accounted for 27.7% with 47.8% corneal damage followed by monocular blindness 29.6% responsible for a poor functional result of the traumatized eye. The absence of light perception (PPL) was 9.8%. Eye injuries are frequent, their reduction requires awareness and communication for behavior change.