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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-11 | Issue-06
A Brain-Myoelectric Signal-Based Approach to Hand Rehabilitation in Stroke
Chunxiang Zhi
Published: June 30, 2023 | 328 210
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2023.v11i06.003
Pages: 139-146
The existing hand function rehabilitation training model for stroke patients has problems such as single mode, low patient participation, poor rehabilitation effect and long rehabilitation period. In this paper, we propose an active stroke hand rehabilitation training method based on brain EMG signals, including the use of EEG signals to help stroke patients achieve brain neural remodelling and EMG signals to achieve real-time hand function rehabilitation training to assist patients to complete hand rehabilitation. Firstly, a multimodal guided motor imagery experimental paradigm with a mixture of pictures and Chinese characters was designed to improve the stability of the spontaneous motor imagery EEG signals. Then, a gesture acquisition paradigm based on surface EMG signals was designed to exercise the flexibility of stroke patients' arm muscles and fingers. The experimental results showed that the stroke hand rehabilitation training method based on brain-myoelectric signals could achieve better rehabilitation results.