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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-06
The Anachronism of International Pre-Colonial Loan Burdens and Intensive occupation of Tunisian Territory as a Colonial Yoke of France under 23 Appointed Diplomatic Agents of Exploration, Expropriation and Exploitation (3Es) 1863-1956
Njuafac Kenedy Fonju
Published: July 9, 2023 | 243 160
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2023.v09i06.001
Pages: 87-105
This paper brings out evidences of unscrupulous pre-colonial debts burden of Tunisia owning to foreign companies and governments and how it acted as a motivated factor among others to intensive occupation and colonization of the territory which was never the case in other pre-colonial and colonial sphere of influences in North Africa as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa. The then Great Powers of the World especially Britain and Germany who strictly carved the African Continent the way the wanted supported the French motives against the non-payment of loans incurred by the Bey Government during the mid-19th Century. Therefore, the implantations of the French imperialist actors were imminent and could only recover their finances through the effectiveness of the 3Es. This makes the history of Tunisia very interesting because it stands as a very special case study in which the colonization of the country was as a result of corruption, embezzlement of the borrow funds for internal developmental projects which were neither completed with the required borrowed sum nor refunded to the lenders. This is part of the African history which has been hidden and hardly seen in most history books as researchers at times generalized the colonization of North African countries like Morocco and Algerian. Therefore, the French colonialist were not to be blamed because the Tunisian Ministers been unable to manage the funds borrowed exposed their country to suffer the consequences of colonialism from 1863 to 1956 when the country finally gained independence from France and became a full member of the United Nations Organisation created in the aftermath of the Second World War of 1939-145.The scrutiny of documentaries, specialized sources and related studies enable us to use a historical analytical and narrative approaches with our findings bringing out the 23 agents of 3 Es. It should be noted here that the history of Tunisia is very interesting because it faced many different ....