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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-07
Application of Hot Potatoes 6 Software in Teaching English Listening Comprehension Skills for Primary Education Students at Tan Trao University
Luong Thi Hai Ha
Published: July 11, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i07.003
Pages: 168-174
The article is based on the theory of English reading comprehension skills, Hot Potatoes 6 software, and a survey conducted to assess the current state of English listening skills among students majoring in elementary education at Tan Trao University. Through an exploration of the teaching and learning practices of English, it can be said that students encounter specific difficulties in learning listening skills. They often lack interest in this subject and do not allocate much time for it. Based on these findings, the application of Hot Potatoes 6 software is introduced through four steps. The experimental results of implementing Hot Potatoes 6 software in teaching English listening skills for students majoring in elementary education demonstrate that students exhibit better listening skills, improved effectiveness, and a more proactive approach to learning.