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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-07
Spider (Ordo Araneae) as a Predator Arthropoda
Angle Maria Hasthee Sorisi, Christy Diana Mambo, Maya Esther Wullur Moningka, John Andrew Marlatu Sapulete
Published: July 14, 2023 | 290 245
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2023.v10i07.001
Pages: 67-71
Spiders are animals that belong to the class Arthropoda phylum Arachnida. Spiders are spread in almost all parts of the world. Spiders can be classified as soil arthropods which are soil-dwelling organisms. The role of arthropods in agro-ecosystems is divided into four, namely as herbivores, decomposers, predators and pollinators. Spiders act as predators. Predatory arthropods are arthropods that eat part or all of their prey's body directly.