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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Risk Factors Influencing Typhoid Fever Occurrence among the Adults in Maina Slum, Nyahururu Municipality, Kenya
Kibiru Andrew Benjamin Nguri
Published: March 30, 2016 | 283 178
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i03.015
Pages: 244-252
The Objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors influencing the occurrence of typhoid fever among the adults in Maina slum within Nyahururu municipality in Laikipia County. Located in Maina slum in Nyahururu municipality, the study relied on descriptive cross sectional design. The researcher used open ended and closed structured questionnaires, key informant interviews and Observational to collect data. Simple random sampling and systematic random sampling were used. The prevalence of typhoid was found to be 6.3%, indicating that the risk factors are still persistent and there are no effective control measures in place. The risk factors included low education level, leaking drainage systems, the type of houses used; water pollution and eating food from commercial kiosks were established. The effective water and sanitation interventions in place were connection of piped water in Maina slum for individuals to connect to their houses, provision of health facilities and application of health education to the residents. The study concludes that typhoid fever increased by 1.3% in duration of five years from 2005 to 2009. The findings also show that 198 (56.6%) residents of the study area do self diagnostic.The findings of this study could be significant to health sector in the county and beyond in understanding the management of the typhoid fever, so as to save lives claimed by the disease.