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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-08
Evaluation of proximate, determination of minerals and chromatographic quantification of water soluble vitamin in newly developed soy protein isolate
Md. Nazim Uddin, Dr. KanikaMitra, Md. MahfuzurRahman, A T M Abdullah, Md. Zahurul Haque
Published: Aug. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i08.001
Pages: 604-608
The aim of this study was to evaluate of proximate, determination of minerals and chromatographic quantification of water soluble vitamin in newly developed soya protein isolate. Fat, moisture, ash, protein, crude fibre, total carbohydrate, total energy, lactose and total solids were determined and it is showed that (91.04±0.4) % of protein was found in this soy protein isolate. Minerals were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer and showed that 219.84±6.07 mg calcium, 96.48±11.62 mg magnesium; 22.19±1.04 mg iron, 1081.84±16.64 mg potassium, 9.08±2.02 mg zinc, 2.76±0.66 mg copper, 1030.02±5.40 mg sodium and 1.41±0.23 mg Manganese are present in 100 g soya protein isolate. Water soluble vitamins were also analyzed by UPLC-MS-MS and micro levels of vitamins are found in SPI. Besides with other nutrients, this soya product contains high amount of protein, minerals, B vitamin, low fat, no lactose and low carbohydrate that are valuable for human health.