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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-05
General Principles, Types, Diagnosis and Management of Poisoning
Chinmay Devidas Deshmukh, Anil Tukaram Pawar
Published: May 23, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i05.001
Pages: 155-162
Poisoning is the last consequence of drug action that is harmful to the body. It may be due to overdose or prolonged use of a drug. Any substance that causes deleterious, unwanted and harmful effects on the body is called poison. Poisoning can be acute or chronic. Short time exposure of poison is called acute poisoning whereas repeated, long term or continuous is called chronic poisoning. In chronic poisoning, symptoms may not be seen after each exposure and may be seen after a long period. Poison can cause effects when they are orally taken, injected, swallowed, inhaled or even rubbed on the skin. Commonly observed poisons are pesticides, organophosphates, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, certain plants such as Datura, Cannabis, opium, etc. All of the drugs acting on the nervous system, cardiovascular system, peripheral nervous system, urinary system, and reproductive system can turn to poisons if used in excess quantity. Almost all categories of drugs are involved in one or other forms of toxic effects depending on the dose. Briefly, all drugs in excess can cause poisoning. The effect of poisoning is ranging from short term illness such as rash, diarrhea, seizures, dilated pupils, nausea to long term complications such as organ damage, coma or even death. Poisoning can be accidental, homicidal or suicidal. The diagnosis of poisoning is based on assessing clinical features history, physical examination and toxicological screening. Such toxic effects must be carefully monitored and treated immediately to save the life of a patient. Assessing the symptoms of poisoning, providing life support to maintain vital signs, elimination of poison, preventing further exposure of poison, and use of the antidotes are the basic principles of management of toxicity. With this background, it becomes essential and interesting to elaborate on the detailed study of poisoning and its management. The present review is therefore planned to know the types, nature, principle, diagnosis,.....