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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Migraine: The Headache & Homoeopathic Healing
Tridibesh Tripathy, Shankar Das, Umakant Prusty, Madan Mohan Mishra, Jeevan Krushna Pattanaik, Pramod Bihary Pradhan, Rakesh Dwivedi, Mohini Gautam
Published: July 17, 2023 | 209 337
DOI: 10.36347/gamj.2023.v04i03.002
Pages: 85-93
The article deals with the issue of a major headache for the medical science, the ‘Migraine’. It hampers the quality of life in all age sections. Headaches are a part everyone’s lives. These headaches are usually harmless and tea, coffee and home remedies usually suffice. Migraine is one such benign or harmless headache that hampers the quality of life. Medical science has not been successful to elicit the cause and thereafter no treatment plan has been deduced. As in the past, the cause of migraine was attributed to superstition. This was during the time of Hippocrates who lived during 460-370 BC. The father of medicine from Greece on which name the Hippocratic Oath is taken by the budding doctors across the globe, was the first to scientifically elucidate migraine clinically through his observations. That is why Hippocrates is known as the first analytical epidemiologist. The reader will get an idea of the problem of migraine at global & national level through the eyes of clinical health in the beginning sections before delving in to the Homoeopathic system of the AYUSH platform. Currently, the AYUSH platform has regained its value in the era of the current pandemic. The pandemic has further escalated the migraine issues further precipitated by the increased stress levels. In the absence of effective therapy in the modern medicine, the article peeps through what homoeopathy can offer to deal with migraine issues that fulfil the triad criteria of essential medicines as per the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM). The criteria is that these medicines need to be effective clinically, safe clinically and should be without side effects. Thus Homoeopathy is the leading therapeutics system to deal with migraine that can cover masses while being cost effective.