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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-06
A Global Catastrophe of Coronavirus Outbreak: History, Pathogenesis, Signs, Diagnosis and General Precautions
Chinmay D. Deshmukh, Anil Tukaram Pawar, Satish Arunrao Polshettiwar
Published: June 18, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i06.003
Pages: 183-187
The year 2020 began with normal joy and enthusiasm like every New Year. People were busy with their jobs, works, and students with their schools and colleges. Everybody was engaged with their routine duty for the initial two months. Everything was so smooth, straight and easy. Nobody was aware of forthcoming biological hazards. A coronavirus outbreak! A small virus is believed to came from Wuhan, China and spread like a speed of light thought-out the world within a month. India was also no exception. Therefore, it is known as the coronavirus pandemic. People started coughing, having fever, tiredness, difficulty in breathing or having shortness of breath. When tested in government laboratories, affected patients found coronavirus positive having coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Other people, who came in contact with the infected patients, were also found positive. Meantime, the people who arrived in India from abroad also found to have the infection. The main route of spreading the virus is from nasal and oral droplets by the patient. In no time, the virus spread drastically. It was globally widespread. The US, Italy, Spain, Brazil, China were on the top list of the infection. In India, the national lockdown was declared on 25 March 2020 following a public curfew to prevent the further spread of coronavirus. Many suspected people or passengers after travel are quarantined. At that time, corona affected people were approximately 500. The present review is planned to make people aware of the spread, pathogenesis, signs, diagnosis of viral infection and most important precautions to be taken to restrict the spread of this coronavirus.