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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-07
Evaluating Anaemia Treatment in Associated Diseases in Children in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Chijioke-Nwauche IN, Origbo CC
Published: July 4, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i07.001
Pages: 188-194
Anaemia is a major global health problem affecting every social class of persons but particularly the low socio-economic group hence it is more common in poorer countries with the highest proportion of affected people living in Africa. More than half of children below five years of age suffer from anaemia, and a prevalence of 68.3% was reported in Nigeria in 2016 among children under five. Anaemia causes about one million deaths globally each year with three quarters of these occurring in Africa and Asia. A cross sectional study was carried out in the Paediatric Units of two health establishments in Niger Delta area Nigeria among children of ages 6 months to 15 years admitted between January 2017-December, 2018. Study involved the evaluation of prevalence of anaemia with the associated diseases as well as the treatment pattern of the anaemia. The overall prevalence of anaemia was 18% in UPTH and 10.4% in PHC, Aluu. Anaemia was more prevalent among children less than 5 years especially in the age group 2-3 years in both institutions but was not associated with sex. The highest associating disease with anaemia was malaria. Treatment approach used in the present study was in consonance with standard guidelines with the use of haematinics and where necessary blood transfusion was used. Non-adherence to prescribed treatment plan was the highest challenge for obtaining the expected outcome in the treatment of anaemia. The need to address the associated causes is very imperative; therefore, free treatment of malaria particularly for children below 5 years is advocated as a means of reducing anaemia. Involvement of pharmacists in the inpatients services of dispensing and counselling of patients to enable improved awareness and importance of adherence of patients to their medication is strongly recommended.