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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-07
A Critical Assessment of Contemporary Pharmacy Curriculum: Views and Experiences of Foreign Trained Pharmacists
Mohammed Elijah NA, Adigwe Obi Peter, Onavbavba Godspower
Published: July 8, 2020 | 274 167
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i07.003
Pages: 203-210
Students who are offered admission into higher institutions have varying educational and socio-economic backgrounds and indeed, some of these students have limited academic abilities. Universities therefore have to be creative in the manner that they facilitate learning; support students’ needs; review curriculum to fit socioeconomic priorities; and respond to new realities and opportunities for this group of stakeholders. This study aimed at assessing the views and experiences of foreign trained pharmacy graduates on pharmacy curriculum’s fitness of purpose for contemporary pharmacy practice. Student’s level of satisfaction with how they are assessed can give invaluable insight into the responsiveness of the curriculum to issues and challenges associated with contextual practice. In this study, well-structured questionnaires were administered to foreign trained pharmacy graduates with the ethical precepts of anonymity and confidentiality maintained. Likert type scale of 1 to 5 was adopted, and data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software version 21. a total of 97 questionnaires were administered, response rate was 85.57%, respondents were made up of 39 males and 44 females, majority of them (66.3%) were between the age of 21 to 25, more than a third (37%) of them studied in Asia, less than one-tenth (7.2%) of them had MPharm degree, the factor loading for all the items were between 0.601 to 0.869 and the Cronbach alpha value for the questionnaire was 0.961. The study revealed that the respondents were satisfied with the method of assessment that was used for them in pharmacy school but would have preferred assessment and evaluation based on critical thinking feedback.