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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-07
Immune Functions in Males and Females: Does the Hormones Play The Role?
Somenath Ghosh
Published: July 21, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i07.005
Pages: 219-231
The open circuit system of immunity is composed of different cellular and non-cellular components. But the components are seemingly limited in view of their multi-faceted actions. Hence, the particularity and functional diversity of immune system lies in the mode of regulation of all of its components. There are different factors which regulate the proper function and modus operandi of several components of immune system. Among them one most important factor is regulation via hormones. There are different classes of hormones, but in context of immune system, hormones are immune-enhancing, immune-inhibitory or immune-neutral. In depth studies have shown that response of immune system varies with hormones of different kinds. It depends upon the context (in vivo and in vitro), nature of hormone (steroid, proteinaceous, peptide, amino acid and/ amino acid derivative), body condition (healthy vs. under pathological/clinical) and their behavior when in combination with other hormones and in contact with cellular and non-cellular components of immune system. It is notable that males and females of any animal differ physiologically and one of the reasons behind different physiology is involvement of hormones. Thus, it is a matter of investigation how gender wise differentiation exists at immunological level. Till date very little is known in this aspect and in depth molecular studies are on the way to explore out the reason. This review, however in brief encompasses the dimorphism of immunity and immune response in terms of gender under hormonal regulation.