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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-07
Linguistic Landscape as a Bottom-up Approach: Investigation of Semiotic Features and Language Use in the Catering Industry in Hong Kong
LAM Tsz Ching Jasmine
Published: July 21, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i07.004
Pages: 175-186
Linguistic landscape (LL) can serve as both top-down and bottom-up approaches to understanding language planning policy in various dimensions. It can reflect the language identities, motives and contestations perceived by stakeholders of different decision-making levels. Prior studies adopted the bottom-up approach to investigate the language practice and ideologies reflected by the design and linguistic features observed in the linguistic landscapes in ethnically and linguistically diverse areas, like Medan in Russia, and Seoul in Korea. As Hong Kong is also a trilingual city with an inclusive combination of nationalities, this paper is intended to take it as a case study to explore the de facto language ideologies reflected by LL at the micro-level. We would look into the catering industry from a holistic perspective by reviewing the food menus of 66 restaurants located in diversified districts and serving different types of cuisines. This bottom-up LL research reveals that business owners and the public shares the language ideologies of perceiving English as prestigious language, multilingualism and traditional Chinese as standard character.