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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-10
A comparative study of tissue processing using microwave without xylene and conventional method
Dr. Suyog Tupsakhare, Dr. Ketan Saraf, Dr. Kishor Patil, Dr. Mahesh Gabhane, Dr. Rashmi Deshpande, Dr. Swapna Agwane
Published: Oct. 30, 2016 | 334 212
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i10.003
Pages: 796-804
Tissue processing is the method in which tissues are prepared by paraffin embedding for sectioning. Conventional tissue processing is the gold standard, it is more than hundred years old procedure and hence against which all the new techniques and methods need to be assessed. This study consist of randomly selected twenty paired specimens, first member of the pair was processed by conventional tissue processing method while the second member of the pair was processed by the microwave technique. The slides were examined for accuracy of histologic preparation in a blinded fashion by six oral pathologists for nuclear staining, cytoplasmic staining, uniformity of staining, clarity of staining and intensity of staining. Adequate nuclear staining was noted in 99.16% of conventional processed tissue slides and 94.16% of microwave processed tissue slides, Adequate cytoplasmic staining was noted in 100% of conventional processed tissue slides and 96.6% of microwave processed tissue slides, Adequate uniformity of staining was noted in 100% of both conventional processed tissue slides and microwave processed tissue slides, Adequate clarity of staining was noted in 96.6% of conventional processed tissue slides and 100% of microwave processed tissue slides, Adequate intensity of staining was noted in 97.5% of conventional processed tissue slides and 92.5% of microwave processed tissue slides. From the present study it can be concluded that microwave processed tissues were more superior for the diagnosis as compared to conventional method.