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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Prevalence of Dental Caries, Oral Hygiene Status, Malocclusion Status and Dental Treatment Needs in Thalassemic Children –A Cross sectional Study
Dr. Kalla Tirumala Satya Siva Rajajee, Dr. Sharada Reddy Jampanapalli, Dr. Jesudass Govada, Dr. Sridhar Reddy Erugula, Dr. Katta Aswardhanarayan Sudheer, Dr. Maddula Madhavi Krishna, Dr. Kanduku
Published: Jan. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i01.010
Pages: 41-46
Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin which results in improper oxygen transport and destruction of red blood cells. Patients with thalassemia have been found to have lower bone mineral density. Prominent cheek bones, maxillary enlargement due to erythroid hyperplasia are the major facial changes in thalassemic patients. Wide spacing of the teeth, protrusion of the maxilla and maxillary incisors, defective anterior open bite and saddle nose deformity are the major oro-facial abnormalities. Aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence of dental caries, oral hygiene status, malocclusion status and dental treatment needs in thalassemic children. A group of 72 thalassemic major patients were considered for study. All the patients belong to Thalassemia major group and registered in Thalassemic society. The sample included 57 male and 15 female thalassemic children between the ages of 0 to 17 yrs. A control group of 72 normal children of the same age group are included in the study for comparison. In this study, it was found that dft, DMFT, Debris Index, Calculus Index, Simplified oral hygiene Index (OHI-S) is poor in beta thalassemia patients when compared to the control group children of same age groups. Thalassemia is a hematological disorder with life threatening problems. Dental ailments are often neglected. Thalassemia patients and parents of the thalassemia patients are to be educated regarding the prevention of caries and the importance to maintain good hygiene of the oral cavity.