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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Oral Stereognosis in Edentulous patients in South Indian Population
Dr. Karkala Sayed Akber Pasha, Dr Akshay Gurha, Dr. R. Murali, Dr. Suchitra reddy, Dr. Devendra P.C, Dr. B. Rajsekhar
Published: Jan. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i01.012
Pages: 54-60
The ability to predict patient's performance with complete dentures remains elusive, irrespective of the method and the level of clinical proficiency employed in the fabrication of the prosthesis as some patients with clinically acceptable complete dentures function well while others poorly. The patients for this study were selected from those treated by the staff of the department of Prosthodontics, College of dental Surgery, Manipal and also those treated under the supervision of senior staffs of the Department. The patients were thoroughly examined to rule out any oral pathosis that right influence in the influences of this devaluation. A detailed history was then taken to standardize the patients. Patients who were under the influence of drugs, drug addicts, intoxications, sedatives, psychic and with perverted habits were not included in the study. A total of 66 patients were subjected to this perception study. They were divided into two groups A and B. group A ranged in age from 30 to 55 years and Group c between 56 to 80 years. Group A consisted of 31 (males 8 & females 23), patients and Group B 35 (males 28 & ladies 7) patients.