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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Estimation of Foetal Weight at Term Pregnancy by Clinical and Ultrasonographic Methods
Dr. Kanakaraj K, Dr. Kalaichezhian Mariappan, Dr. Shaik farid
Published: Jan. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i01.015
Pages: 72-77
Assessment of fetal weight is essential in detecting any disturbances in fetal growth like intrauterine growth restriction and macrosomia, both having increased risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality and it could help in the management of labour preventing of some of these complications. Many clinical as well as ultrasound methods have been used to estimate the fetal growth and the birth weight in utero. Total of 120 patients were selected for the study with single viable fetus with reliable date and without any complications, duly getting their consent. Clinical examination was done and estimated fetal weight calculated clinically using Johnson’s formula and Insler’s Formula. All the patients were then subjected to ultrasonography where BPD, AC, FL and thigh circumference measurements were obtained. According to the measurements fetal weight was estimated using Vintzileos and Hadlock formula. Estimated fetal weight is compared to the weight of the baby taken within an hour of delivery and comparative analysis was done. In all the weight groups estimated fetal weight by Vintzileos formula is close to the actual weight. Percentile values for absolute error are least with Vintzileos formula highest and with Johnson’s formula. 89.1% of predictors were within 10% of error with Vintzileo’s formula as compared with 65.5, 32.7, 26.4 by Hadlock, SFH x AG, Johnson’s formula respectively. Vintzileos formula which included BPD, AC, FL, and thigh circumference is more accurate than Hadlock formula which included only BPD, AC and FL. Its inclusion in routine ultrasound is strongly recommended to improve the birth weight estimates.