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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Comparison of height and weight growth in children 5-14 years old with and without primary nocturnal enuresisin Afzalipoor Hospital in 1394
Saida Parvaresh, S. Shamsaddini, Ali Hosseininasab
Published: Feb. 28, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i02.002
Pages: 99-101
There are studies that children with primary nocturnal enuresis and poor growth in height and weight more slowly than other children, according to the same study ever to examine this Tasyrahtmaly Drshhrkrman, and yet there treatment on the growth of the children upon we look to further explore this issue. Our study was a case-control study of 110 children with urinary incontinence according Bamyar by the "DSM-V and 110 healthy children without the risk of urinary incontinence easy way Shdnd. vzn and height of all children in the study were assessed, and SPSS16 software we can distinguish by the analysis. The average age of the samples 07/2 ± 33/8 years and 50% of participants were female. In comparison, height and weight are significantly lower in the group. This is despite the fact that BMI in the two groups showed no significant difference. The frequency of positive family history of enuresis was significantly greater in the experimental group was the father of the great history of bed-wetting mother in the case and control groups showed no significant difference. The results of this study showed that children with enuresis of height and weight growth than the control group, while no difference was observed in terms of body mass index.