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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-9 | Issue-11
Single Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Herbs
Shah Murad, Khalid Niaz AP, Manal Raouf Mahar, Palwasha Awan, Abrar Hussain Azad, Sibghatullah Sangi
Published: Nov. 11, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2020.v09i11.004
Pages: 310-314
Allium cepa (onion) and Zingiber officinale (ginger) has antioxidant feature so are in dyslipidemia in primary and secondary hyperlipidemia and prevent CAD in human body. Hypolipidemic drugs used in allopathy include Statins, Fibric acids, Niacin, and Resins but all have their low compliance due to frequent side effects. Medicinal herbs like Onion and Ginger are hypolipidemic agents commonly used as flavoring agents and making foods spicy and tasty. We have compared hypolipidemic potential between these two medicinal herbs. The study was conducted at Ghurki Trust teaching hospital, Lahore from January to June 2016. Eighty secondary hyperlipidemic patients were enrolled after getting written consent which was approved by Ethics committee of the hospital. They were divided in two equal groups comprising 40 patients in each group. Group-I was treated by Ginger 10 grams daily in three divided doses for 2 months. Group-II was advised to take Onion 200 grams daily in divided amount with each meal i.e.; breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two months. After two months therapy it was observed by statistical analysis that 10 grams ginger reduced TC (total cholesterol) of 38 hyperlipidemic patients 12.4 gm/dl and LDL-C (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) 27.3 mg/dl. In group-II, onion reduced TC in 35 patients 17.9 mg/dl and LDL-C 14.8 mg/dl. Changes in tested parameters are significant biostatistically with p-values <0.01 to <0.001. We concluded from this research work that Onion and Ginger reduces risk of CAD by decreasing plasma total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.