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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-03
A Prospective Study on Accidental Poisoning In Pediatric Patients
Dr. Jookanty Santosh Kumar, Dr. Ravikanth Soni, Dr. K. Mahesh Kumar
Published: March 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i03.004
Pages: 153-158
Toxicology is the science which deals with the chemical properties, action, toxicity, lethal dose, detection of various poisons and treatment of poisons. Poison is any substance which when introduced in to the living body or brought into contact with any part thereof will produce ill effects or death, by its local or systematic action or both. As children start crawling and walking they become very active and try to explore unfamiliar objects by putting them in to their mouth and tasting them. Hyperactive male children are more prone for poisoning. In large families the mother is too busy and tired with household duties and becomes careless in the storage of poisonous household products Absence of a parent is also one of the reasons which may lead to poisoning. In small houses there is little storage facility and poisonous substances may be stored in easily accessible places. In this study, the commonest age involved 1 – 3 yrs age group (Toddlers) with 39 Cases followed by 4 – 5 yrs age group (Preschool) with 13 cases. The age group least involved was below one year (infant group) with 3 cases. Accidental poisoning was more in male children than female children. Out of 72 cases, most of the cases were of organophosphate poisoning (34 Cases) and snake bite (4 Cases) cases contributed the least. Out of 72 cases, 48 cases of poisoning occurred through oral route, and remaining 24 cases occurred through parenteral route (other than alimentary canal). Most cases of accidental poisoning are preventable by close watch on the toddlers and younger children who have a habit of tasting unknown things.