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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-05
An In Vitro - Evalution of Dental Pulp Stem cells by Isolation, Characterization and Differentiation
Rama Brahmam Lanke, Arun kumar. S, Priya Matani
Published: May 30, 2017 | 355 229
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i05.006
Pages: 352-356
Stem cells have been differentiated from variety of tissues. Recently stem cells have been isolated and grown from pulp tissue of permanent teeth (DPSCs), deciduous teeth (SHED), Potential application of stem cells in dentistry as reported in the literature includes endodontic regeneration therapy, periodontal regeneration, whole tooth regeneration, repair and regeneration of craniofacial defects. The purpose of the present study was to isolate, characterize and differentiate the dental pulp stem cells. 20 extracted permanent teeth from humans below age 25 years were collected. Various procedures including Isolation and culturing, expansion and sub culturing, RRNA isolation, Reverse transcription -RT PCR reaction, agarose gel electrophoresis were done to detect the amplicon including surface Characterization of cells. Osteogenic and acidogenic factors were added to the Media. The cells showed positive expression for pluripotent markers, ectodermal markers and mesodermal markers. The cells were found to express oct4 at both the mRNA and protein levels. They expressed ectodermal markers like ncaml, b3 tubulin and nestin. In the present study with the obtained results it can be demonstrated that stem cells are existed in human dental pulp and these cells differentiated showing mineralized tissue.