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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-07
Assessment of Vitamin B12 and D Status in Patients Suffering from Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders: A Hospital Based Study in North Indian Population
Bhawna Mahajan, Jitender Sharma
Published: July 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i07.007
Pages: 506-511
Vitamin B12 and D are essential for normal functioning of human body and deficiency of both has become serious concern in recent times. Occurrence of various neurologic, psychiatric, and mood disorders due to deficiency of both vitamin B12 and 25(OH)D have been established. Present study was aimed to assess the levels of vitamin B12 and 25(OH)D in patients suffering from Neuro-Psychiatric disorders visiting a tertiary care hospital in North India. The cross-sectional descriptive study included 150 patients (75 neurology and 75 psychiatry group respectively) and 75 healthy controls. Serum levels of vitamin B12 and 25(OH)D were estimated. The data was analyzed statistically and p ˂ 0.05 was considered significant. The levels of Vitamin B12 and 25(OH)D were significantly decreased in sera of neurology and psychiatry group in comparison to healthy control. Comparison among patients revealed significant decrease in vitamin B12 and 25(OH)D levels in sera of psychiatry group than neurology group. The deficiency state of both vitamin B12 and 25(OH)D is very common in Indian subcontinent but often goes unnoticed. Although role of 25(OH) D in neuro psychiatric disorders is still being explored, deficiency of both certainly contributes appreciably towards occurrence of neuropsychiatric illnesses. Therefore we emphasize that screening for deficiency of both vitamins in neuropsychiatric patients should be suspected and evaluated.