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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-07
Genetic Variation in Purple Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims.) in West Sumatra, Indonesia by RAPD Markers
Riri Wulandari, Ratna Mayang Sari, Yanti Putri Yani, Djong Hon Tjong, Mansyurdin
Published: July 30, 2017 | 319 225
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i07.012
Pages: 543-549
Three purple passion fruit populations from West Sumatera, Indonesia were compared some fruit characters and determined the genetic variation. The fruit weight, sugar content and vitamin C were calculated by a quantitative method. The genetic variation was analyzed by the RAPD markers to determine Shannon's index, heterozygosity, genetic differentiation and gene flow. An Alahan Panjang population has the best fruit characteristics based on fruit weight, sugar content and vitamin c content respectively 100.22 gram, 14.72 % Brix and 0.47 mg. The test result of 17 primers showed that three primers (OPA01, OPA03, and OPB10) can amplify DNA of purple passion fruit, with 22, 24 and 16 polymorphic bands respectively. The highest average value of heterozygosity and Shannon diversity index value found in Alahan Panjang population respectively 0.1784 and 0.2802. Value of intra population heterozygosity (Hs = 0.1349) is higher than value of inter population (Dst = 0.0191). Cluster analysis with dendrogram in purple passion fruit denoted low genetic distance. According to the result, Alahan Panjang population has best fruit characters and higher genetic variation compare to other population in West Sumatra.