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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-09
Physiological Changes in the Venous System of Lower Extremities in a Case of Varicose Vein
Dr. Uma Maheswari K, Dr. Sai Kumar P
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 302 259
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i09.012
Pages: 661-663
Varicose vein is a common clinical entity, with their symptoms and the most common complication like chronic peripheral vascular disorders. In this study, a 45 yrs old male, presented with a complaints of ulcer in the lateral aspect of the right lower limb over the ankle for 20 days. The patient had a previous history in his left leg, got treated with saphenofemoral junction ligation surgery. For the present complaints he was treated by Trendelenburg procedure. He was followed for a minimum of 3 months after discharge. Varicose veins were recognized in the present century and considerable knowledge has been gained about the anatomy of venous system of the leg, the physiological mechanism of venous return to heart against gravity and pathology of the disorder, which leads to many newer modalities of treatment.