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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-09
Prospective comparative study of adult hypospadias surgical repair with and without the use of fibrin sealant
Dr Hanuwant Singh, Tapas Kumar Majhi
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 295 228
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i09.015
Pages: 670-673
The adult hypospadias presentation is common in the developing countries due to ignorance, illiteracy, and unaffordability. Adult hypospadias repair is associated with high complication rates and poor outcome than in paediatric repair. In this study, we evaluated the outcome of adult hypospadias repair after the use of fibrin sealant over the suture lines of neo-urethra. A total of 33 adult patients of distal hypospadias and mid shaft hypospadias were randomly assigned into two groups. In group 1, a thin layer of fibrin sealant applied over the suture line of neo-urethra but no sealant was used in group 2. All patients underwent a tabularized incised plate (TIP) repair with a dartos vascularized pedicle flap to cover the neo-urethra. Postoperative surgical complications: urethrocutaneous fistula, flap dehiscence, flap necrosis, urethral stricture and penile torsion were recorded. Urethrocutaneous fistula, flap dehiscence, flap necrosis and urethral stricture were significantly lower in group 1 patients. There was no significant difference in postoperative penile torsion between two groups. Use of fibrin sealant in adult hypospadias repair is safe and can reduce complications.