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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-10
Comparison of Efficacy of Herbal Solutions in Chronic Gingivitis Patients- A Microbiological Study
C. Hemachandra Babu, G. Sindhu, Vinay Chavan, E. Manaswini, Laxman Boyapati
Published: Oct. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i10.003
Pages: 708-712
The common etiology for initiation of gingival or periodontal disease is plaque accumulation. Plaque induced gingivitis is due to interaction between host inflammatory cells and microorganisms present in dental plaque. The present study includes the aloevera and ocimum disinfectants as oral hygiene aids to reduce plaque formation and to know their efficacy over chlorhexidine mouthwash. Supragingival plaque samples were collected from patients between the age groups 18-55yrs with chronic generalized gingivitis (CGG) .15 plaque samples were collected and transferred to anaerobic culture media for culturing prevotella intermedia spicies, then samples were immersed in disinfectants randomly which are divided into 3groups: GroupI: aloevera juice, Group II: ocimum juice, Group III: Chlorhexidine and assessed for colony forming units with digital colony counter. The results showed that the bacterial count of P. intermedia reduced after rinsing the plaque sample with the disinfectants. All the three groups were statistically significant before and after treatment. The results of the study concluded that ocimum, aloevera showed significant reduction in bacterial count in plaque samples but not suprerior to chlorhexidine.