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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; Mother and Infancy outcome (Review)
Faiza Nouh, Mariam Omar, Manal Younis
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i11.001
Pages: 778-784
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is commonly recognized as a state of physiological and temporary insulin resistance. A gestational diabetes complicated pregnancy is still associated with a high perinatal risk with increased neonatal mortality and morbidity. Currently, the incidence of gestational diabetes is increasing with many complications for both mother and the child. This concept opens a new horizon for a study being conducted to get a more clear idea about this drastic effect and awareness. The review studies have recommended the importance of the screening and early management of gestational diabetes mellitus in preventing the adverse effects on mothers and fetuses. Also, studies are recommending increasing awareness about the risks of complications associated with gestational diabetes by education for pregnant women and families. This review will try to draw a picture about gestational diabetes mellitus and its complications.