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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Assessment of Malocclusion Prevalence and Different Variables Associated with it in Children Aged 10-12 Years Belonging to Hyderabad City, Telangana, India
S. Ojass Kumar, Tahseen Sultana, Santosh Bharadwaj, S. Srujan Kumar, G.S. Manoj
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i11.006
Pages: 804-808
Malocclusion is found to be a universal dental problem affecting children all ages. However, the perception of people about malocclusion depends on geographical location, cultural background and concern about facial appearance. But, in developing countries like India the problem has become more drastic. To assess the prevalence of malocclusion and different variables associated with it in children aged 10 to 12 years in Hyderabad city of Telangana, India. A cross sectional study was conducted among children aged 10 to 12 years visiting Outpatient Department setting (OPD) of our institution. A total of 4732 children were included in the study that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Different variables associated with malocclusion were recorded. The World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for oral health assessment were used to examine the oral status of children. The data was tabulated and analyzed using Chi-square test. Prevalence of Malocclusion was 83.3% among which 54.1% were boys and 45.9 % were girls. Angles class I malocclusion was most prevalent followed by class II and class III. The most prevalent variable associated with malocclusion was deepbite followed by protrusion of teeth and crossbite. There is high prevalence of malocclusion among children aged 10 to 12 years in Hyderabad city of Telangana state. Malocclusion has an impact on the overall oral health and quality of life of the children. Thus preventive and interceptive measures should be implemented at an early developmental stage.