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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Anti-Diarrhoeal Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Luffa Acutangula against Castor Oil Induced Diarrhoea in Rats
Asokan BR, Jaikumar S, Somasundaram G
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2017.v05i11.007
Pages: 809-811
Diarrhea is a symptom marked by rapid and frequent passage of semisolid or liquid fecal material through the gastrointestinal tract and involves both an increase in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract along with increased secretions and a decrease in the absorption of fluid and thus loss of electrolytes particularly Na+ and water. Due to limitations associated with various treatments available, the need for developing newer drugs is imperative. This study aimed at investigating the anti-diarrheal activity of ethanolic leaf extract of Luffa acutangula against castor oil induced diarrhoea. Loperamide 10mg.kg was used as reference control. Two dose levels (200 and 400mg/kg) of ethanolic leaf extract of Luffa acutangula were used to screen the efficacy of as antidiarrhoeal. The ethanolic leaf extract of Luffa acutangula at 200 & 400mg/kg significantly (P<0.001) reduced the weight of wet stool and total weight of stool against castor oil induced diarrhoea. The effect produced by ethanolic leaf extract of Luffa acutangula was comparable to that produced by the standard loperamide. In conclusion, the results obtained showed that ethanolic leaf extract of Luffa acutangula exhibited antidiarrhoeal activity against castor oil induced diarrhoea in rats.