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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-12 | Issue-07
Exploring Drug & Substance Abuse Implications 2023
Mowahib Osman Ali
Published: July 25, 2023 | 442 424
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2023.v12i07.006
Pages: 199-205
Background: An estimated 19.5 million people aged 12 or older in the United States have had a substance use disorder related to illicit drugs or alcohol in 2020 (Hoenig, 2020). Drug addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disorder characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviors. The primary causes of which include interrelated brain networks that comprise the reward and anti-reward system, as well as the central immune system. While its validity as a disease is controversial, many attribute its existence to moral failing and personal choice. As such, it remains a complex phenomenon that alters the brain function and leads to a plethora of psychological and neurological changes, temporary and permanent. Interestingly, there are several factors that contribute to an individual’s vulnerability to drug addiction, the most surprising of which is genetic predispositions, environmental factors, early drug introductions and everything in between. Drug abuse remains a critical global issue that has severe implications for public health and societal well-being. Aims: By shedding light on their addictive properties and the resulting physiological and psychological consequences this article aims to raise awareness about the dangers associated with these substances. Furthermore, this article investigates the significant risks that come hand in hand with drug abuse. In addition to examining the causes and risks of drug abuse, it delves into preventive measures as well as treatment approaches. Evidence based strategies such as education programs, early intervention initiatives, harm reduction practices and policy measures are essential in reducing both the prevalence and harmful effects of drug abuse. Moreover, exploring various treatment modalities ranging from pharmacological interventions to behavioral therapies - It emphasizes the importance of personalized, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approaches when it comes to tackling drug addiction. .....