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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-07
Lymph Node Cytological Evaluation-A Prime Tool of Investigation in Todays Era with Special Emphasis on Metastatic Malignancies
Dr. Garima Anand, Dr. Kshitij Kalra
Published: July 30, 2017 | 158 136
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i07.047
Pages: 2737-2739
As a primary investigation in any lymph node swelling, FNAC has proven its efficacy in resolving the clinicians dilemma. With the added advantage of being a minimally invasive technique, it provides a quick and less painful method of diagnosing a vast array of diseases. A total of 100 lymphadenopathy cases were taken, coming to pathology department with cytological evaluation request from various clinical departments. These patients details were noted regarding age, gender, clinical details and suspected diagnosis. FNAC was carried out using 22G needle and 10 ml disposable syringe. The slides were air dried and MGG stained. The cytological interpretation was done. Out of 100 cases,12 out of 100 cases were diagnosed to be metastatic deposits,4 2017-07-30cases were of lymphoma, 32 cases diagnosed as granulomatous, rest 52 were reactive lymphadenitis. With such advancements done in the diagnostic field, it has become the duty of the pathologists to not only help in the diagnosis of a lesion but to also direct the clinicians at finding the hidden root cause of the disease. Cytological evaluation with help of preparation of cell blocks, immunocytochemistry can definitely aid in the diagnosis.