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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-08
Schooling Related Challenges Faced by Displaced High School Students. The Case of Olposimoru Forest Evictees in Narok County, Kenya
Langat Gilberd, Dr. Anyonje Florence
Published: Aug. 6, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2023.v11i08.001
Pages: 192-199
Internal displacement is one of the most critical humanitarian issues of current times. The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges experienced by displaced high school students while schooling as well as the role of the school community in assisting the displaced student to continue in schooling. The objective is this study was to investigate the physical, social, emotional and financial challenges faced by internally displaced high school students as they experienced schooling as well the psycho social support accorded to the students in order to continue with schooling. This study was guided by Phenomenology theory. Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) is widely regarded as the founder of phenomenology as a transcendental philosophy of consciousness. It’s the careful description of experiences in the manner in which they are experienced by the subjects. It’s an inductive descriptive approach that focuses on understanding the response of the whole human beings not just understanding specific parts or behavior. It endeavors to describe an experience as it is lived by the person. Sample size of 96 students was sampled through purposive sampling technique. The participants included displaced high school students, teachers and Principals. The data instruments included questionnaires and semi- structured interviews. The quantitative data was analyzed and presented in frequency distribution tables and percentages. Qualitative data was organized, coded and analyzed based on emerging thematic topics according to the objectives. The study found out that displaced high school students have several schooling challenges in addition to the normal learning challenges facing un-displaced students. Those interviewed agreed that displaced students had the challenges of financial, psychological and social which must be addressed by educational stakeholders. Though the school were trying to alleviate the challenges faced by displaced student, the support provided was not ...