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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-9 | Issue-08
Assessment of Renal Function in the Elderly
Pr Djibril SY, Traoré Djenebou, Bréhima Berthe, Togo Mamadou, Diarra Aoua, Sékou Landouré, Keïta Kaly, Traoré Abdramane, Tolo Nagou, Camara Boua Daoud, Saliou Mahamadou, Dao Karim, Koné Nouhoum, Sy Se
Published: Aug. 19, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2023.v09i08.012
Pages: 865-872
Introduction: Over the age of 40, kidney function decreases with age, with a decrease in glomerular filtration (DFG) flow in the range of 0.5 to 1 ml/mn per year. Purpose: To study the épidémio-clinical and paraclinical profile of the kidney function of the elderly. Methods and Material: Cross-sectional study with prospective collection and retrospective data on the files of subjects aged 65 or over from 01 January 2017 to 30 May 2018. Results: Forty-four (44) files met the inclusion criteria out of 196, representing a hospital frequency of 21%. The sex ratio was 2.4. Medical history was represented by HTA (56.1%), diabetes 14.6%. The reasons for admission were: abdominal pain (22%), disorders of consciousness (22%) and edema syndrome (10%). Creatininemia was high (75.6%). The association hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia in 12.5%. Anemia was normocytic normocyticnormochrome (53%). On ultrasound a good differentiation of renal cortico-medullary (80.5%), kidneys of normal size (87.8%) and urinary tract dilation (4.9%). Kidney failure was acute (80.5%) chronic (19.5%). Dehydration accounted for 41% of the causes, followed by hypertensive kidney disease (9.75%). Conclusion: Kidney function changes with age. Cardiovascular risk factors should be prevented early and corrected as best they can be to prevent them from acting later.