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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-05
A Very Rare Occurrence of Medullary Carcinoma; in the Rectum: A Case Report
Erol Kilic, Hasan Gökçe, Mustafa Uğur, İbrahim YETİM, Muhyittin TEMİZ
Published: May 30, 2018 | 292 214
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2018.v04i05.008
Pages: 112-113
Medullary carcinoma of colon and rectum is the rarest of all colorectal adenocarcinoma cases. Because of the medullary carcinoma in rectum there are no almost in literatures, we aimed to present this case. Patients with rectum medullary carcinoma complaints or symptoms could similar to rectum adenocarcinomas; rectal bleeding and anemia. Diagnosis and treatment methods of medullary carcinoma in rectum, same as other rectal carcinomas. Medullary carcinoma’s of rectum prognosis is better than other rectal carcinomas. Treatment of rectum carcinoma is Total Mesorectal Exision (TME) that accepted as gold standard in the surgical treatment of middle and upper third rectal carcinomas since it reduces the local recurrence and contributes to the survival. In cases with tumor in the rectum, rarely medullary carcinoma may be. Medullary carcinoma in rectum symptoms, signs and treatment similar to other rectum cancers.