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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-07
Study of Serum Pseudocholineserase Enzyme in Burn Patients
Chauhan A, Dutt CK, Sharma S
Published: July 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2018.v04i07.004
Pages: 134-137
Serum pseudo cholinesterase activities were estimated in 53 normal and 53 burn patients. The samples we drawn in patients after admission on 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th post burn days. According to the burn severity, a characteristic decrease was noted from 1st to 12th post burn day, and then it started increasing in lower degrees of burn, while it continued to decrease in greater degrees of burn. The decline during the subsequent days as well as its value was found to be correlated with the percentage of total burnt body surface area. The serum pseudo cholinesterase enzyme seems to be a good prognostic marker to predict the outcome and course of illness after a burn injury. Our study suggests a correlation between serum pseudo cholinesterase enzyme activity and morbidity in burn patients.