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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-4 | Issue-08
The Causes and Prophylactic Measures of Vesico-Vaginal Fistula in Yemen
Abdullah M. Almatary
Published: Aug. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2018.v04i08.005
Pages: 160-165
The actual causes of urinary (and recto) vaginal fistulae in Yemen are not known exactly, our study will try to determine the causes, thus will help to avoid these bad sequels. This study done at Jibla hospital, 92 patients were included in the study, these patients belong to 10 provinces with their different districts as Jibla hospital is a referral hospital. All cases were studied from the view of residence (urban or rural), the age of marriage (under or above 18 year), availability of health services, obstetrical and surgeon experiences. All measures of study are the same for all cases; any case with special clinical presentations is excluded from study. Out of 92 patients, 46 (50%) of the patients who get vesico-urinary fistulae are married below 18 year age old, 20 (21.7%) of the patients who get vesivo-urinary fistulae sustained pelvic non obstetrical surgeries and 26 (28.3%) of the patients who get vesico-urinary fistulae occurs due to multi factors like poor antenatal care, malnutrition, low education,..etc. Avoidance of early marriage to the females (below 18 year age old), and good training to the surgeons with improvements of antenatal care will reduce the risk of urinary fistulae markedly.