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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-01
Effect of Processing on Chemical Composition of Struchium sparganophora (Linn.) Ktze.
Oloyede F.M , Obuotor E.M, Oloyede F.A
Published: Jan. 30, 2014 | 236 192
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i01.006
Pages: 33-37
The effect of processing on the antioxidant properties and proximate composition of Struchium sparganophora leafy vegetable was evaluated. The processing included: abrasion with cold water (WH); abrasion and blanching with boiled water (WHH); abrasion with 10g of common salt (WS) and unprocessed vegetable (NP). Standard methods were used to analyze the processed and unprocessed vegetables for antioxidant activities, antioxidant phenolic compounds and the proximate. The results of the study showed that Protein content of unprocessed S. sparganophora was 3.64g/100g and was reduced to 1.94-2.66g/100g by processing. Fat and ash contents were likewise reduced by processing while fibre and moisture contents were not reduced by abrasion with cold water. S. sparganophora had antioxidant activity of 93.9%. Abrasion with cold water did not affect this value significantly (P=0.05). Neither did it affect the concentrations of anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin significantly (P=0.05). However, total phenol and flavonoid concentrations were significantly affected by processing. Struchium sparganophora is best consumed unprocessed, however, abrasion with cold water might be an alternative if the nutrients and the antioxidants in Struchium sparganophora will not be compromised